ホーム | -----I > INSUB.recordsInsub Meta Orchestra "Choices & Melodies" [LP]

Insub Meta Orchestra "Choices & Melodies" [LP]

価格: 3,047円(税込)
Label: INSUB.records - insubreclp02

これは激ヤバです。Cyril Bondiとd'inciseを中心とし、Yann LeguayやHans Koch等ソロでも活躍する演奏家が2010年9月に結成したスイスの45人のミュージシャンからなる集団Insub Meta Orchestra。2017年にAnother Timbreから出た[13 & 27]の姉妹作的LP[Choices & Melodies]をリリース。数秒刻みの簡単な指示で変化を起こしダイナミックなサウンドスケープを作り上げていく[two choices]、そしてまさにオーケストラ編成ならではの非常に分厚い不協和持続音を紡ぎ続ける[autonomous melodies]という濃過ぎるコンテンポラリー作2つを収録。

“Choices & Melodies” regroup two pieces, composed by Cyril Bondi and d’incise and echoing in a different aspects the “13 & 27” CD recently released by Another Timbre, as both were recorded at the same time in the summer 2016.
With “Two choices” the Insub Meta Orchestra exposes its richness of sonic production and variety of sources, acoustic and electronic, with simple instruction of producing two noises per person and the possibility of a change every five seconds. From this rigid structure emerges in fact an endless, subtle and dynamic soundscape.
One the other hand, and LP side, “Autonomous melodies” is a kind of alien piece in the orchestra’s esthetic as it rely on a loud volume, and a free melody of three and four note. But here again it’s the global result produce by the amount of musician that is made audible, it become an hybrid form, a sort of agited drone with a unique new timbre.
Both propositions here are timeless, and sometime dizzyning, they immediately surround the hears with a steady momentum, an own dimension where the music reveal itself in the details and micro-changes in the apparent constance
Recorded in july 2016, at Studio Ernest Ansermet, Geneva.
Alexis Degrenier (hurdy-gurdy) – Anna-Kaisa Meklin (viola da gamba) – Angelika Sheridan (flutes) – Antoine Läng (voice) – Anouck Genthon (violin) – Bertrand Gauguet (saxophone) – Brice Catherin (cello) – Bruno Crochet (laptop) – Christophe Berthet (saxophone) – Cyril Bondi (conduction, harmonium) – d’incise (laptop, harmonium) – Daniel Tyrrell (acoustic guitar) – Dorothea Schürch (voice)
– Eric Ruffing (analog synthesizer) – Gerald Perera (electric doublebass) – Hans Koch (clarinet) – Heike Fiedler (voice) – Ivan Verda (electric guitar) – Jamasp Jhabvala (violin) – Luc Müller (floortom, melodica) – Maxime Hänsenberger (percussion, melodica) – Raphaël Ortis (laptop) – Regula Gerber (doublebass) –
Rodolphe Loubatière (snare drum, melodica) – Sébastien Branche (saxophone) – Sandra Weiss (bassoon) – Steve Buchanan (saxophone) – Thierry Simonot (laptop) – Violeta Motta (flutes) – Vinz Vonlanthen (electric guitar) – Wanda Obertova (voice) – Yann Leguay (electronic) Direction and compositions by Cyril Bondi and d’incise.