ホーム | -----C > CronicaArturas Bumšteinas "Gamelan Descending A Staircase" [CD]

Arturas Bumšteinas "Gamelan Descending A Staircase" [CD]

価格: 1,837円(税込)
Label: Cronica - Cronica100~2015

ルイジ・ルッソロ"騒音芸術"を含む、過去の偉人達の思想に触発され様々な音作品に取り組んでいるポーランドの作曲家Arturas Bumsteinas。今回はデュシャンの絵画に触発され思いついたらしいガムラン録音。その研究の為に訪れたインドネシアの博物館にて記録したという、なんとそこがコレクションしているガムランオーケストラの大規模な楽器群を使用しての50分ノンストップ録音。メチャクチャ面白い内容です。

The instrumental sound material for Gamelan Descending a Staircase was recorded at the Ethnologisches Museum Dahlem in the summer of 2013, during a research visit there. A large collection of Indonesian Gamelan orchestra instruments was recorded, and later it was composed into a surround-sound composition, premiered in Jauna Muzika festival at the Vilnius Contemporary Art Center, in April 2015. The live version of this piece also involved three improvising trumpetists providing live solo/accompaniment textures for the pre-recorded music.

Marcel Duchamp’s 1912 painting Nude Descending the Staircase No.2 was an inspiration lurking not only behind the title of this composition but also regarding the deconstructed micro-forms and the study of sound structures, progressing as if in slowmotion, and without a clear point of destination… Descending into the unknown territories… The title came in a vision, as a possible sonic event of a instruments of a gamelan orchestra falling down the stairs. A beautiful, unrealistic image. A dream.