ホーム | -----E > Earjerk RecordsEnfer Boreal - Drunjus "Climate Change - Ranking Charioteer" [Cassette]

Enfer Boreal - Drunjus "Climate Change - Ranking Charioteer" [Cassette]

価格: 1,067円(税込)
Label: Earjerk Records

2005年に始動して以来フリーフォーク/ドローン中心の安定したリリースを続けている、5人編成のサイケバンドSecond Family Bandが主宰するカセット専門レーベルEarjerk Records。フリーフォーク系では知られたEnfer BorealとDrunjusのスプリット。両者共アブストラクト/コズミックなドローンをやってます。限定45部?!


Some of the headiest material ever from both of these projects. Enfer Boreal starts from a deep bell toned pulse and as soon as you have locked on he tosses you into space. You bounce off various soft, rubbery astroids and UFO's. You will have to re-enter the Earths atmosphere without burning up and these cold drones won't leave you hangin. Drunjus... Awww, you know what to expect. Anyway, how many times can I use the words heavy and deep and cosmic when describing drones. I mean this is heavy, deep, cosmic and COSMIC, but I have used all those descriptions before. Throbbing? Pulsing? Alive? Yes. All that. A definite buzz enhancer. Blue tapes with carefully applied green spray. Collage artwork by Woodman. Limited to 45 copies.