ホーム | -----G > Gravity WaveMichael Pisaro "The Punishment Of The Tribe By Its Elders" [CD]

Michael Pisaro "The Punishment Of The Tribe By Its Elders" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Gravity Wave - gw 009

アメリカのギタリスト/サウンドアーティストMichael Pisaroの自主レーベルGravity Waveの2013年CD作品。ギターのみならず、パーカッション、ラジオ、エレクトロニクス、フィールドレコーディング等、豊富な音素材を57分の1トラックに紡いだもの。ミックスというよりは感覚をあけて異なる録音を投下していく様な面白い作風。


Field recording made in Neufelden, Austria in the roof studio at the Station.

Pisaro's fascinating composition created with guitar, bass, percussion, radio, electronics, and field recordings, using long gaps of silence resolved through a dynamic set of rich audio sections.
"The most convincing way to avoid reality is to lose yourself in the prickle of the field recording, as if it were bubble wrap. Here, technology chafes against a world of waves, pulses, and impacts, leaving to the ear and the imagination the task of estimating reality from scratch (at 12:35, a storm definitely begins, the mic singing along in feedback), or else abandoning that concern altogether and engaging in terms of what is only ever almost sound, and sound alone. To reduce the universe to the crepitations of a single, imaginary body is the dream of distortion at the heart of audio signal acquisition.