ホーム | -----S > Silentes Minimal EditionsMaribor "De Immenso + Atrocity Exhibition" [2CD Special Edition]

Maribor "De Immenso + Atrocity Exhibition" [2CD Special Edition]

価格: 2,607円(税込)
Label: Silentes Minimal Editions - sme1150

以前カセット音源を紹介した、Maurizio Bianchi、Andrea Marutti、Gianluca Favaron、Giuseppe Verticchio、Pierpaolo Zoppo、Stefano Gentileからなる、イタリアの新旧豪華アーティストらによる集団MariborのCD作品!!2009年リリースのSilentesの14枚組ボックスに収録された[Atrocity Exhibition]がボーナスディスクとして付属する、限定100部2CDエディションを入荷!!イタリアの有名な二人の修道士ジョルダーノ·ブルーノ、ジローラモ·サヴォナローラに捧げられた作品で、荒廃ノイズ、フィールドレコーディング、ギター/ピアノインストゥルメンタルまで幅広くやってます。お早めに。


Special limited edition of 100 copies, it also includes the debut Maribor CD "Atrocity Exhibition".

Following the previous “Atrocity Exhibition”, dedicated to the figure of Girolamo Savonarola, the new monumental chapter of the Maribor collective project is finally available. Based on a concept by Stefano Gentile, this new CD is inspired by the works and life of Giordano Bruno. In addition to Stefano Gentile himself, this new work includes contributes by Maurizio Bianchi/M.B., Mauthausen Orchestra/Pierpaolo Zoppo, Nimh/Giuseppe Verticchio, Andrea Marutti and Gianluca Favaron. Almost 80 minutes of driving and all-involving music where bleak and dark atmospheres alternates with consuming assaults of Industrial distorted sonic masses, cinematic and descriptive passages enriched by detailed layers of field recordings, throbbing electronic progressions, melodic inserts, strings parts, guitar arpeggios, soft, slow and hypnotic ambient stasis… Another surprising and unmissable listening experience, for a work that once again gathers together some of the most representative artists both of the historical and of the more recent groundbreaking experimental and industrial Italian scene.