ホーム | -----E > Edition RZThe Orchestra Of The National Center For Korean Traditional Performing Arts "Yomillak: The Selection Of Korean Classical Music" [2CD]

The Orchestra Of The National Center For Korean Traditional Performing Arts "Yomillak: The Selection Of Korean Classical Music" [2CD]

価格: 3,267円(税込)
Label: Edition RZ - EDRZ7001-2

異端現代音楽の最深部であるドイツEdition RZより発表された、なんとこのレーベルとしては珍しい韓国の伝統的宮廷音楽"與民楽"の演奏集。何世紀にも渡り王室の行事や宴会で演奏されてきたものであり、なんと1454年に書かれという作品。オリジナルは10部編成の作品だったものから3つが破棄され、本作には7つのオーケストレーションと後期(19世紀)のバージョンを収録。雅楽と非常に近い感覚で聞けるため、単純に純粋な伝統音楽としてしっとりと浸れます。こういうものまで引っ張ってくるEdition RZは本当に素晴らしいレーベル。大推薦。



"Yŏmillak is the most extended piece of orchestral court music surviving in Korea and it has for many centuries been used for royal processions and at banquets. Yŏmillak is the piece notated in the oldest surviving Korean score - a score contained in the Annals of Sejong, written in 1454.
The piece originally consisted of ten movements, but three were discarded over time, leaving just the seven movements heard here, and different variants evolved, distinguished in terms of orchestration and size; two of the later (19th century) versions, Kyŏngnokmugang Chigok and T'aep Yŏngch'un Chigok are contained here. The final piece, Sŏilhwa Chigok, is an additional orchestral suite."

This release was made possible by courtesy of The National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts ℗ 1979, 1988.
Made in Austria.