ホーム | -----R > Reiger Records ReeksRoland Kayn "Elektroakustische Projekte & Makro" [5CD box]

Roland Kayn "Elektroakustische Projekte & Makro" [5CD box]

価格: 11,627円(税込)
Label: Reiger Records Reeks

(予約受付中 - 2月中旬入荷予定)

激レア3LPボックス2種が纏められ5CD仕様で復刻!!今回もジム・オルーク氏がリマスターを担当!!1933年ドイツ-ロイトリンゲン出身、イタリアの伝説的即興集団Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanzaの活動初期に参加、ソロでは70年代後半〜80年代中期に掛けてColosseumに数種のLPボックスを残し、90年代に入ってからは自身のReiger-records-reeksより大量のCD音盤を発表し続けた音楽家ローラント・カイン。オリジナルは共にColosseumより3LPボックス仕様で出版、1977年[Elektroakustische Projekte]、1981年[Makro I - III]、2つの伝説的大作が新編集で纏められリイシュー!!多くの説明は不要、圧倒的なスケールと重厚且つ複雑なレイヤーが真の没入感を与えてくれる超傑作。





Reiger Records Reeks is excited to kick off the new year with the release of a 5-CD box set dedicated to Roland Kayn’s Cybernetic Music. Sourced from the original recordings preserved in the Lydia and Roland Kayn Archive and meticulously remastered by Jim O’Rourke, this collection is an essential addition to any catalog. The box set features selections from Kayn’s legendary works, including Makro I, II, III (1977) – Created at the Institute for Sonology, and Elektroakustische Projekte (1966–1975) – Featuring Cybernetic I, II, III, recorded at the Studio di Fonologia in Milan alongside the additional compositions Entropy PE31, Monades, and Eon. Previously available only on rare, out-of-print vinyl editions, these groundbreaking works showcase Kayn's pioneering contributions to electronic and cybernetic music.

Roland Kayn poetically described Makro (1977) during an interview with Mark van de Voort: “Makro breathes in and breathes out, then it breathes in again before disappearing into the dark.” This imagery emphasizes the delicate balance and subtle transition through which the piece unfolds and eventually fades. The idea of the music “disappearing into the dark” suggests a soft, elusive conclusion, as if the sounds gradually dissolve into a space where they can no longer be heard, but still linger in some way.

This description also synthesizes the mystical and organic qualities of the piece: the music doesn’t end abruptly, but transitions smoothly into silence, like a clear picture gradually turning into shadow. Kayn’s reflection that he was never able to fully recapture this unique quality in his later works shows how Makro – a composition where sound, process, and silence merge in a single entity – was a special creature for him.