ホーム | -----U > Unexplained Sounds GroupDavid Lee Myers, Sonologyst, Lars Brondum "Unus et Trinus" [CD]

David Lee Myers, Sonologyst, Lars Brondum "Unus et Trinus" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Unexplained Sounds Group

80年代前半よりユニークな自作フィードバックマシンを使ったエレクトロニクス作の出版を続けているニューヨークの作家David Lee Myers、61年生まれのベテラン・スウェディッシュ・コンポーザーLars Brondum、そしてここイタリアUnexplained Sounds Groupの主催者Raffaele PezzellaのプロジェクトSONOLOGYST、この3者が制作したそれぞれのコンクレート作品&共作を纏めた2024年作。互いのダークサイドで纏め上げたシリアスなトラック編成が見事で、特にDavid Lee Myersの古典的な音使いはアーリーエレクトロニクス好きには必ずリーチします。

Among the musicians I have appreciated the most in recent years, a special place is undoubtedly reserved for Lars Bröndum and David Lee Myers. From 2015 onwards, I had the pleasure of playing their songs on the radio transmission The Recognition Test frequently, and inviting them to participate in numerous compilations published by the Unexplained Sounds network. Over time, I realized that, albeit in different ways and forms, their music could integrate and complement that of my Sonologyst project. This led me to the idea of inviting them to collectively produce tracks. From our exchanges of samples, audio experiments, music segments, a long piece of over 20 minutes emerged, which I believe effectively encapsulates how our musical sensibilities complemented each other. We then added individually composed tracks, resulting in this album, "Unus Et Trinus," in which the listeners can hear the music of each of the three participants separately but also the collective piece. This allows them to get an "almost real-time" idea of how three different sonic worlds can create a synthesis.
Raffaele Pezzella