ホーム | -----B > Black Rose RecordingsRLW "Satanic Inventions" [CD]

RLW "Satanic Inventions" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Black Rose Recordings

大ベテランが制作した激ヤバ・コンクレート!!伝説的エクスペリメンタルバンドP16.D4の核であり、現在もRLW名義で活動を続ける重鎮Ralf Wehowsky。パンデミック中に録音した音源、レコードより拝借したコラージュネタ、そして声を素材にゴリゴリの加工を施した、この人物の作風としては珍しい純粋なミュージック・コンクレート作品。とにかく作風が純粋にカッコ良く、近年の作品の中では飛び抜けた完成度且つ個人的にも激推しの一作。



Seeing such a political statement on an RLW CD is something I don't recall seeing before. It is about the pandemic and the conspiracy theories that spawned, which I (too) believe is the true disease of our times. "I can read", usually means, "I like to cherry-pick popular notions", and "science is an opinion" is usually said by someone who has no clue as to what science is. Or, as I challenged someone: "How do you prove that all swans are white" to which I got the answer ", by killing all black ones", which seemed proof that not all swans are white. RLW says that all misery end one day, and something will grow. In the 14th century, Ars subtiloir (subtler art) became a musical style. It was rhythmic and notional, more complex. The end of the plague (well..) ended in something new.

RLW uses music recordings from that time and short extracts from documentary recordings. Not that you easily recognize any of this in the fifteen pieces of music. Sure, some of this finds origins in voice material, and a word here or there is recognized, but who or what remains a mystery. The abstraction level is very high, as with much of RLW's music. He applies a collage-like approach to his music. A surprising element is the use of turntable/vinyl, which I haven't heard from him in some time. RLW's music is of a different complexity than the original Ars subtiloir, so I assume (not being an expert here), that he applies his musique concrète techniques to the music. Editing, stretching, granular synthesis and whatever else there is are as strong as any other RLW record.

One thought I had with hearing these voices bending and twisting; maybe they sound like shapeshifting alien reptiles? Having read most of David Icke's books (to be found in a folder on my hard drive labelled 'humour'), there must be a place here for the sounds of reptiles. Throughout, there is some excellent, imaginative music here. I would say that even without the backstory, this is still a great release; it can be enjoyed equally." - Vital Weekly