ホーム | -----S > SwarmingJean-Luc Guionnet + Eric La Casa + Philip Samartzis + Dan Warburton "Parking" [CD]

Jean-Luc Guionnet + Eric La Casa + Philip Samartzis + Dan Warburton "Parking" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Swarming

バランスの良い残響物音録音!!20年以上に渡り環境に耳を傾け、自身の考える音の美学を拡大して来たサウンドアート界の大ベテランEric La Casa。盟友Jean-Luc Guionnet、Philip Samartzis、Dan Warburtonの4人で行った、まさにタイトルの通り駐車場内の残響を利用した即興演奏記録。違う階から聞こえてくる人の気配や車の音、ほぼ物音に近い静謐な即興と共に空間内に溶け込む2テイク。

Parking features two works recorded 14 years apart registering the behaviour and characteristics of environmental and instrumental sound resounding within multiple parking garages. The architectural form and function underpinning the parking garage demands a highly adaptive response to negotiate indeterminate conditions and hidden tensions generated by compressed space, reflective materiality, multipurpose infrastructure, and active thoroughfares. Rather than consider these as undesirable, situational practice offers an opportunity to be in the world, to observe and contest dominant narratives, and through improvised responses incorporate aleatory forces and spatial effects. (philip Samartzis)

Recordings :
Parking La Villette (Parking Cité de le musique, Paris, May 7th 2007)
Parking La Villette comprises an improvisation recorded in a parking garage located at the edge of Parc de la Villette, beneath the Cité de la Musique, in Paris.