ホーム | -----K > Krim KramTed Byrnes "Roads" [CD]

Ted Byrnes "Roads" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Krim Kram

LAFMS系最高峰の超大型集団Airwayに参加、米ミニマルの重鎮シャルルマーニュ・パレスタインとも共演するL.AのパーカッショニストTed Byrnes。バークリー音楽大学を卒業後、主に実験音楽界隈で演奏活動を続けている人物であり、アコースティック打楽器のみを使い凄まじいパターンを紡ぎ出す強者プレイヤー。本アルバムはSean Baxter、Milford Graves、Jon Christensenといった偉人プレイヤー達に捧げたもので、真骨頂ソロを7テイクに渡り披露。

Ted Byrnes is a drummer/percussionist living in Los Angeles. An alumnus of the Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA, he comes from a jazz background and has since made his home in the worlds of free improvisation, new music, electro-acoustic music, and noise.

Ted primarily works in ad hoc improvisational settings, but has long standing improvisational groups including duos with Jeff Parker, Chris Cooper, Charlie Mumma, Sam McKinlay, William Hutson, and a trio with Jacob Wick and Michael Foster, among others. Additionally, Ted has played in duo, trio, or ensemble settings with Mazen Kerbaj, Matt Weston, Ingebrigt Haker Flaten, Charlemagne Palestine, Alfred 23 Harth, Arrington de Dionyso, Jaap Blonk, Torsten Muller, Kim Myhr, Jim Denley, Lloyd Honeybrook, Chris Schlarb, Mike Watt, Paul Masvidal, the LAFMS (including Smegma, Airway, Ace Farren Ford's Artificial Art Ensemble, Rick and Joe Potts, Fredrik Nilsen, Tom Recchion, Vetza, etc.), Sissy Spacek, Maher Shalal Hash Baz, and more.

Ted has also collaborated with / worked for a variety of visual artists: he has accompanied a Doug Aitken "happening", scored and performed percussion for an Emily Mast performance, collaborated with Olivia Booth to play her glass artworks, collaborated with Dani Tull on a sound performance, performed with John Knuth and Bret Nicely at an installation in an empty pool, and has performed for FLUXUS artist Jeff Perkins on multiple occasions for his projector/light installations.