ホーム | -----I > INSUB.recordsJacques Demierre, Martina Brodbeck "A Falling Sound" [2CD]

Jacques Demierre, Martina Brodbeck "A Falling Sound" [2CD]

価格: 3,047円(税込)
Label: INSUB.records

極上のアヴァン即興!!80年代初頭より今尚変わらぬペースで活動を続けているスイスのジャズピアニストJacques Demierre、同国のオーケストラであるBasel Sinfoniettaに所属する女性クラシック・チェリストMartina Brodbeckによるセッション音源。松尾芭蕉の俳句をタイトルに冠した至極ミニマムな即興ものであり、序盤はガチガチのシリアス演奏から美しい点描表現へと移行する[About A Thousand Years](48分)、重低音のチェロが徐々に浮き上がる様に美麗な音色を奏でる[A Falling Sound](38分)、どちらも長編ですが非常に完成度の高い記録となっています。

"A recording of a piano tuning session was the starting point for a series of different pieces, all of which question the experience of measurement. These two pieces, "about a thousand years" and "a falling sound", for piano and cello, are a new stage in this process. If the music results from a work of measurement - that of the piano as a territory and of its different acoustic regions, both the voice of Pandit Prân Nath, which gave rise to the playing and scordatura of the cello, and the bass of one of Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli's pianos, used for this recording, were other equally determining influences." - Jacques Demierre

Music composed by Jacques Demierre (SUISA) in collaboration with Martina Brodbeck
The titles are taken from haïku by Matsuo Basho in “Basho: The Complete Haiku”, Kodansha International.