ホーム | -----A > Artsy RecordsPekka Airaksinen, Sami Pekkola, Samuli Tanner "Uudet Jes Opot" [LP]

Pekka Airaksinen, Sami Pekkola, Samuli Tanner "Uudet Jes Opot" [LP]

価格: 3,487円(税込)
Label: Artsy Records

重鎮の珍しいライブ録音!!60年代末から活動、自身が関与した超ラディカルグループ"The Sperm"を含む関連音源が次々と再発され、とにかくその活動全てが濃すぎるフィンランド・アヴァン界重要人物の一人Pekka Airaksinen(1945-2019)。活動初期からライブを行う事はほぼ無く、このユニットは氏がプライベートセッションと時折ライブを実行する為に2015年に結成したトリオ。即興をベースとした予測不能な音響とハイセンス且つユニークな旋律がランダムに交錯した傑作パフォーマンス2パート。

Pekka Airaksinen (1945–2019) was a pioneering composer of electronic and experimental music. Despite his undisputed position as one of the most significant factors in Finnish experimental music, he rarely performed live since the early days of Finnish underground in the 60’s and 70’s. He composed and developed his unique, gentle and enthusiastic approach to music at his private meditation center, far from the pulse and demands of life in the city. Luckily some exceptions did occur, like this live set with saxophonist Sami Pekkola and electronic musician Samuli Tanner.

The trio was formed around 2015 for private sessions and occasional live performances. The music varied from dreamy electroacoustic improvisations to blasting blowout sessions where Tanner switched to drums. In February 2017, they performed in Tampere and Helsinki, opening for Rashad Becker. The latter concert can be heard almost entirely on this record.

In loving memory of Pekka.