ホーム | -----T > thanatosis produktionSTHLM svaga "Plays Carter, Plays Mitchell, Plays Shepp" [CD]

STHLM svaga "Plays Carter, Plays Mitchell, Plays Shepp" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: thanatosis produktion

フリー・インプロヴィゼーションからジャズ、また前衛的な集団演奏も行うスウェーデンの大所帯グループSTHLM Svagaがthanatosis produktionに登場!! タイトル通り米ジャズ・サックス奏者Archie Shepp、米ジャズ・ベース奏者Ron Carter、米作曲家のRoscoe Mitchellら米ジャズ界の重要人物らと共に作り上げた気合いの一枚。若干実験的な要素はあるものの、やはりゲスト勢に合わせた純粋に気持ちの良いジャズ・ナンバー多めで纏められており、まさにあらゆる方にリーチする内容となっています。




STHLM svaga works with the limitations of precipices. Sounds emerge from the precipice of nothing and sit on the edge of existing. Here in this precarious state, a microcosm of detail, expression and effort are magnified. There is an endless exploration in the liminal space of becoming, sounding and decay.

STHLM svaga is:
Linda Oláh - vocals
Niklas Barnö - trumpet
Gustav Rådström - alto sax
Johan Jutterström - tenor sax
Rasmus Borg - piano
Elsa Bergman - double bass
Andreas Hiroui Larsson - drums

STHLM svaga have previously collaborated with Carla Bley whom they commissioned the piece Bells and whistles from. For this recording they collaborated with Archie Shepp, Ron Carter and Roscoe Mitchell who they commissioned Die Rechnung - Chrystal Stairs - Blues - U-Jama, Desert lament and Never Sound More! from respectively. Ron Carter joined the ensemble during the recording of Desert lament for artistic guidance.