ホーム | -----E > elsewhereMichael Pisaro-Liu (Guy Vandromme / Luciana Elizondo / Adriaan Severins / Fabio Gionfrida) "A room outdoors" [2CD]

Michael Pisaro-Liu (Guy Vandromme / Luciana Elizondo / Adriaan Severins / Fabio Gionfrida) "A room outdoors" [2CD]

価格: 3,157円(税込)
Label: elsewhere

環境音をスコアに組み込んだ最初の作品!!主に沈黙を使う長編作で知られ、大規模アンサンブルや抽象フィールドレコーディング、そしてジョン・ケージ、クリスチャン・ウォルフ、ジェームズ・テニーら巨匠勢の作品演奏も行うヴァンデルヴァイザー派の重要コンポーザーMichael Pisaro-Liu。氏が2006年に持続音楽器、ハルモモニウム、フィールド・レコーディングのために書いた48分間の作品[A room outdoors]が作品化。Guy Vandromm(キーボード)、Adrian Severins(フィールド・レコーディング/シンセサイザー)、Luciana Elizondo(ヴィオラ・ダ・ガンバ)、Fabio Gionfrida(フィールド・レコーディング)をフィーチャー、屋外の状況とそれに溶け込む演奏の滲み具合が非常に美しい47分と48分の2テイクを収録。

Four-panel gatefold wallet with two discs, cover photos by Maja Jantar, design by Yuko Zama

'A room outdoors' is a 48 minute piece written in 2006 by Michael Pisaro-Liu for sustaining instrument, harmonium and field recordings. This was the first work in which Pisaro-Liu incorporated field recordings into his score.

This double CD contains two different realizations of the piece, one made in Brussels during the lockdown in April 2020 and one set up in Cremona in June 2023, each realized by the following artists: Disc 1 features Belgium-based Guy Vandromme (keyboards) and Adriaan Severins (field recordings and synthesizer), Disc 2 features Italy-based Luciana Elizondo (viola da gamba) and Fabio Gionfrida (field recordings), in collaboration with Guy Vandromme (Indian harmonium).

“A field is obviously a very different place to play music than a room. But what happens, when one plays in the field, is that it becomes a kind of room.”

“In this piece, the field is brought indoors. In the best realizations (such as the two on these recordings), the piece brings about a reversal, where the walls seem to be on the verge of disappearing.” – Michael Pisaro-Liu

Both versions on the two discs were mastered by Pisaro-Liu.