ホーム | -----H > HP Cycle RecordsFlynns "Around Perception" [LP]

Flynns "Around Perception" [LP]

価格: 3,597円(税込)
Label: HP Cycle Records

限定131部の謎の私家版的録音物!!00年代初頭から活動、本作は恐らく20年振り(?)にリリースされた2作目の音盤と思われる、カナダで活動する謎作家Flynnsの1st LP。情報が殆ど見つかならい人物で、本作もどの様な過程で制作されたのかは不明。何かの儀式的な祈りの声?やら、ササクレた金属摩擦、車の走行音らしき音ネタがドロドロと一緒くたで流れる、ミステリアスながらも非常に完成度が高い雑音物件。意味深なインサートが付属。

“Real and unreal...
concrete and abstract
...for the mind and against the mind.”

An audio-visual inspection is provided Playback itself
however is recorded as a specific moment Each moves
on its own but shifts with some sort of automated
control Try listening for patterns It puts pressure
on you and makes you forget all practical learning
An unexamined voice designed to find undetectable
repetition Look around the edges Pulsing auras |||
concentrated forms ||| refracted colours |||
Just Believe