ホーム | -----V > VILLA LONTANA RECORDSWalter Maioli "Il Suono Delle Api / La Vibrazione Del Cosmo [Gold label LP]

Walter Maioli "Il Suono Delle Api / La Vibrazione Del Cosmo [Gold label LP]

価格: 4,697円(税込)

限定のゴールド・レーベル盤を入荷!!Futuro AnticoやAktualaのユニット活動、また何万年前もの音具及び楽器のリアライズ録音で知られるイタリアの奇才Walter Maioli。まだタイトル数は少ないながらも確かな審美眼にてリリースを行うローマのレーベルVILLA LONTANA RECORDSより2021年に出版された、一度廃盤となっていた人気作[Il Suono Delle Api / La Vibrazione Del Cosmo]がジャケットデザインを変更しリイシュー!!異国情緒なプリミティブ・インストルメントとロウな自然音、ミツバチの羽音を組み合わせたストレンジなサウンドイメージ。

Walter Maioli binds the listeners to an atypical notion of place and time alternating across the album field recordings and tracks made by using a variety of primitive and contemporary musical instruments from different cultures, all resembling the humming sound of bees; an animal as sacred as well as endangered throughout the planet. Converging in an immersive realm of Maioli’s inner/outer experience 'Il Suono delle Api / La Vibrazione del Cosmo’ bounds the outer edges of ambient, new age and experimental music. The album includes sounds put together during the summer of 2020 along with two bonus tracks from 1982 and 2002, never released on vinyl before 2021.

The first 50 people who purchase the LP will receive Walter Maioli's digital collage realised as a visual reflection of the sounds on this album. The artwork has been realised by the artist for Villa Lontana Records and will be sent via dropbox.

"To enter into the New Golden Age we need love. Venus is the goddess of love. Bees and flowers come from Venus." W.M.