ホーム | -----N > NEXT Festival RecordsErikM & dj sniff "Next Mix" [Cassette]

ErikM & dj sniff "Next Mix" [Cassette]

価格: 1,837円(税込)
Label: NEXT Festival Records

ターンテーブリスト2者による極上の共演!!電子音楽や即興演奏、サウンドアート、オーディオビジュアルまで、様々な音実験の探求が披露されるスロバキアの祭典NEXT Festival。この団体が20周年を機に始動した、フェスティバルのライブ録音音盤化シリーズ!!本作はサウンドアートのアプローチやコンセプチュアルワークにも挑む当店激推しのマルセイユの人気作家eRikmと、DJ /キュレーター/音楽家として動くDJ Sniffが2009年に披露した、このフェスティバルのハイライトの一つと称される共演パフォーマンス。プランダーフォニックの要素は勿論の事、秀逸過ぎるサンプルのセレクト、フリージャズ的圧倒的熱量など、ターンテーブリズムの枠を軽く超えた32分間。

ErikM & dj sniff - Next Mix23.5.2023 / NEXT Festival Records For this release, NEXT Festival Records dives deep into its archive to unveil a collaboration from NEXT Festival 2009 – one of the highlights of that year's festival – a tape by French musician, composer, visual artist and improviser ErikM & Japanese musician, curator, instrument designer and producer dj sniff. 13 years on, the sounds on 'Next Mix' still resonate, channelling the frenetic energy of free jazz, the looseness of plunderphonics and sample-based music and the revitalising intensity of live performance.

Performed entirely on vinyl and (customised) turntables,this performance encapsulates the magic of turntablism at a moment when its wide-ranging potential is being reexamined by experimental artists such as Mariam Rezaei, Maria Chavez and Victoria Shen, Graham Dunning and many others. 'Next Mix' showcases complex scratching techniques, elaborate looping structures, masterful drum breaks, but also experiments with the materiality of vinyl as an object and with the potential of the turntable as an instrument. The virtuosity of both turntablists is balanced by a sensibility to texture and sound, as the French and Japanese artists walk the line between frenzy and control.

Presenting this vinyl-based performance on cassette is a conscious choice, a nod to cassette culture and mixtapes which are increasingly rare in the current experimental music ecosystem.