ホーム | -----L > Leicht RecordsAnthony Janas, Jeremiah Fisher [Cassette]

Anthony Janas, Jeremiah Fisher [Cassette]

価格: 1,837円(税込)
Label: Leicht Records

限定100部カセット。90年代初頭より活動、サイケデリックなミュージック・コンクレート/実験サウンドで知られる米ユニットPanicsvilleの一員であり、個人では自然現象を主軸としたインスタレーションを展開するサウンドアーティストとして活動、並行してぶっ飛んだコンセプトの作品をプライベート出版する奇才Anthony Janas。同じくPanicsvilleのメンバーとして30年以上活動を共にする盟友Jeremiah Fisherと制作した初のスプリット作。両者、水の音や物音など野外で採集したサウンドを使い積み上げる様に構築、結果優れた彫刻的趣のコンクレートとなっています。

This presentation from Leicht Records offers a new dialogue between Anthony Janas and
Jeremiah Fisher.
Interdimensional Transitions (Building the Wall Within) listens as a meditation, a suite for getting
all those pesky folds out of your brain and giving them a good stretch. Employing recurring
sounds of water lapping and kerplunking, as if you are being endlessly raised in a canal lock of
sound. Synths swirling, the manipulated voices and semi-intelligible speech that tether you
down eventually fade away as you are guided upwards. Once this undulation is over you are left
at the top of Fisher’s construction to begin a form of G-Force training via an unrelenting
synthesizer. Fisher’s material prompts the building of the Wall Within and you are left standing
at its precipice.
A Predilection for Sonorous Operations positions the listener as witness to a contrasting
unfolding movement. The listener is enticed by recurrent and disarmingly alien synthesizer
passages only to be further thrust through this impossible space. Its contours are completely
unknown and unlikely, its sound sources are largely indefinable, but Janas quickly acclimates
you to his taste for the unusual. The composition is increasingly revealed, such that discerning
it’s spatiality is only possible through prolonged exposure to these Sonorous Operations. As this
habitat of sound unfolds it becomes clear that Janas’ wrangling of rapid movement and
disorientation yields results that only his Operations can quantify and deliver with such