ホーム | -----G > Garden Of DelightsGAA "Auf der Bahn zum Uranus" [Picture LP]

GAA "Auf der Bahn zum Uranus" [Picture LP]

価格: 4,587円(税込)
Label: Garden Of Delights

NWWリスト。4ページLPサイズ・インサートが付属!!Kerston Recordsより1973年に発表されたオリジナルにはとんでもない価格がついている、古代ギリシャの神々に由来するGäa(ガイア)をグループ名とし活動したプログレ/アートロックバンドのモンスター級激レア1st。過去に何度かLP&CDフォーマットで再発されていますが若干おかしい部分があったらしく、今回Garden Of Delightsがアーティストと協力してリマスタリング版を制作。この重々しく無骨、しかしどこか叙情味溢れるドラマティックな内容は一度体感すべき。


The Saarland group Gäa played German-language progressive rock. Their band name derives from the ancient Greek gods, where Gaia (Latin notation: Gäa) is the goddess of the earth and fertility. The group’s only LP, “Auf der Bahn zum Uranus”, was a short run released on the Kerston label in 1974 and is today sold at about € 600. It is a mature and well-balanced album, the artistic value of which long remained undiscovered. The tasteful cover was designed by Eduard Bell, the brother of Gäa bassist Peter Bell. There were several re-issues of the album – LPs as well as CDs -, but unfortunately not all of them legitimate releases. The CD on Garden of Delights was released in co-operation with the artists and has the original cover artwork.

The Saarland group Gäa played German-language progressive rock. There were several re-issues of the album – LPs as well as CDs -, but unfortunately not all of them legitimate releases.