ホーム | -----S > SAAMLENGBogdan Jankowski "Himalaya and Karakoram • Voices from the Mountains • 1971​–​2003" [CD]

Bogdan Jankowski "Himalaya and Karakoram • Voices from the Mountains • 1971​–​2003" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)

秀逸なフィールドレコーディング・シリーズ!!全種オススメ!!ポーランドにて電子音楽家として、またアンビエント及びシューゲイズ・バンドの一員として活動するTomek Mirt。並行して長年フィールドレコーディストとしても活動を続けてきた人物で、その成果を定期的にプライベートレーベルSaamlengより音源として発表。本作はポーランドにて登山家として活動したBogdan Jankowskiによる貴重な記録。氏が無線通信担当で参加したヒマラヤ及びカラコルム山脈のサウンドスケープが纏められており、なんと1971年の最初の登山から2003年までの長期に渡る録音で編成。村や家畜小屋を通ってベースキャンプに向かう道中、アイスクライミング、谷といった、時系列ではなく旅の自然な流れが体感出来る傑作盤。フルカラー、6パネルデジパック、ブックレット付き。

Comes in full colour cardboard gatefold with additional booklet. Pressed CD.

Bogdan Jankowski (1938–2019) took part in many Polish historical mountaineering expeditions led by Andrzej Zawada. Initially, he participated in them primarily as a climber, but on subsequent exhibitions he was more and more responsible for radio communication. He brought countless photos and sound recordings back. Each trip resulted in several dozen hours of such recordings, most of which documented the course of the trip. They consist of radio communication, as well as occasional speeches. However, in his spare time between expedition duties, Jankowski turned his ear to the space surrounding him—the sonic reality of the mountains, their inhabitants and their daily habits. This part of the archive consists of field recordings of local music, prayers and sounds of the surroundings. „Himalaya and Karakoram. Voices from the Mountains” is a selection of Bogdan Jankowski’s most interesting recordings, starting with the first expedition to Kunyang Chhish in 1971 to the last expedition he participated in, K2 in 2002/2003. However, the recordings are not presented in chronological order here, but rather in line with the natural course of each trip—a caravan leading from the lowlands through increasingly sparse villages and herding sheds to the base camp, ice climbing, attempts to reach the summit and finally return to the valleys, to civilization. They are not only an extraordinary testimony of Polish Himalayan climbing culture, but they also establish the foundations for field recordings in Poland.

The recordings come from the expeditions to:
- Kunyang Chhish (Fall 1971, tracks: 7, 8)
- Lhotse (Fall/Winter 1974, tracks: 1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 20)
- Mount Everest (Winter 1979/80, tracks: 2, 5, 11, 14–16, 18, 19, 21–23)
- K2 (Polish-Canadian-British, Winter 1987/88, track: 12, 17)
- Nanga Parbat (Winter 1996/97, track: 24)
- K2 (headed by Krzysztof Wielicki, Winter 2002/03, tracks: 9, 13)

Album is supported by Fundacja Himalaizmu Polskiego im. Andrzeja Zawady. The foundation's archive stores radio recordings made by Bogdan Jankowski.