ホーム | -----S > Sawyer EditionsChristine Burke "Something kept close : outdoor music" [CD-R]

Christine Burke "Something kept close : outdoor music" [CD-R]

価格: 1,947円(税込)
Label: Sawyer Editions

主に現代音楽、実験音楽、即興音楽の未知のアーティストを手掛けるテキサスSawyer Editionsの出版物。自身でアンサンブルも率いるコンポーザーChristine Burkeの準即興作品。タイトル通り収録されてる全ての作品は屋外で演奏されたものであり、周囲で発生しているサウンドスケープとの共存を意図して録音されたもの。事前に決められたサウンドと即興との両パフォーマンス、ランダムに発生する虫の声、風、水流の音が一つの風景美として提示されています。マルタックスリーヴを使ったハンドメイドパッケージ。

The works on this album are quasi-improvisatory, designed
to encourage observance of composer-designed processes as
well as performers' own intuitions.

All pieces here are performed outdoors and are meant to coexist
and engage with already-occurring soundscapes. This is an
especially important aspect of Phosphoresce in sympathy, in
which heard and seen environmental happenings trigger the
performance of both pre-determined and improvised sound
material. [r]amp work was written for R amp Fest and was
tasked with treating an Iowa City parking ramp as a

Something kept close (for Dave & Janet) was performed in my
backyard on an antique Choral-brand organ that was built in
1959. A bowl of stones (once belonging to my grandparents)
was placed atop the instrument prior to performance.

[r]amp work and Phosphoresce in sympathy would not have
been possible without the enthusiastic and thoughtful
participation of members of the Christine Burke Ensemble.
Many thanks to them.