ホーム | -----S > ShukaiOleksandr Yurchenko "Recordings Vol. 1, 1991—2001" [LP]

Oleksandr Yurchenko "Recordings Vol. 1, 1991—2001" [LP]

価格: 4,807円(税込)
Label: Shukai

即廃盤必至、お見逃しなく!!アヴァン・バイオリン奏者Valentina Goncharovaの発掘にて注目を集めた、60〜80年代のソビエト時代の失われたテープ作品を復活させることにフォーカスしたアーカイブレーベルShukai。今回発掘されたのは2020年に他界したウクライナのミュージシャン兼イラストレーターOleksandr Yurchenkoの未発表音源。同国ウクライナで活動する当店激推しの実験シンガーソングライターSvitlana Nianioと共演を重ねていた人物であり、本作には氏が1991​—​2001年までに残した実験録音5作を収録。ゴロゴロと小粒の石が転げ落ちる様な荒削りのコンクレート、ストリングスを強烈にフィードバックしたササクレ・ドローン、もの悲しげな叙情インストゥルメンタルと、多彩ながらも根底には一貫したオブスキュアな要素が仕込まれた傑作。





Oleksandr Yurchenko (1966—2020) was a Ukrainian musician and illustrator. In 1990s and 2000s he took part in different bands from Kyiv, such as Electricians, Yarn, Blemish, Suphina’s Little Beast etc., and he also collaborated with Svitlana Nianio and Katya Chilly. Yurchenko is one of the brightest representatives of the Ukrainian independent scene in 90s. Meanwhile, he is one of the most mysterious musicians of this era, being a private person, especially in the late 2000s, when
Oleksandr had to leave music because of his illness, but he focused on doing book illustrations and graphic works. In 2010s some of his early records were published, and he was asked for an interview, but he refused, suffering from a serious disease at that time. In April 2020, Oleksandr Yurchenko died, leaving behind a great musical legacy.