ホーム | -----S > Sublime RetreatDavid Velez"Beta Vulgaris" [CD]

David Velez"Beta Vulgaris" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)
Label: Sublime Retreat

面白コンセプトのサウンドアート物件、8ページのブックレット付き!!音と食べ物の関係の研究活動により英国でサウンドアート博士号を取ったDavid Velez。長年フィールレコーディング・アーティストとして活動しており、本作は鮮やかな赤色が特徴的な野菜"ビーツ"の成長を促進するというコンセプトで作られた作品。その効果がどの様なものかは定かでは無いですが、研究をもとに仕上げられたマイクロスコピックなサイン波音響は、唯々興味深く美しい。美しいスリーヴデザインはRutger Zuyderveltによるもの。

Beta Vulgaris was composed by David Vélez to stimulate the growth of beetroot after his interest in its unique taste, colour, and shape and its superb nutritional and medicinal value. It was played in David's own small domestic crop of beets and in the garden of a museum in Colombia, and they grew big, beautiful, healthy and delicious.

This project is an invitation to consider urban and domestic agriculture as means to claim political and alimentary autonomy in alliance with beets and their extraordinary nutritional, medicinal and aesthetic potency.

For his research work on the relationship between sound and food, David Velez was awarded PhD in Sound Art in the UK.