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Troth "Uncut Flowers" [CD]

価格: 2,607円(税込)
Label: Discreet Music

大推薦!!廃盤カセット音源をほぼ全て網羅した極上のアンソロジー!!2019年より音盤リリースを開始、先頃スウェーデンのMammas Mysteriska Jukeboxより出版されたLP[Forget The Curse]も記憶に新しい、オーストラリアのダークフォーク男女コンビTroth。今や入手困難となっている2019年の最初期化カセットや7インチ作、コンピレーション提供音源等、全15曲を纏め上げた初のアンソロジーが登場。粘着質の高いフォークソングやダウンテンポ、テープループを用いた風景音コンクレートなど、初期のオブスキュアな作風が多く確認出来、またアルバム後半では明らかな変化を遂げた秀逸な構築が聞ける。お見逃しなく。

Hot on the heels of their third album Forget The Curse (Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox, 2023), Fördämning Arkiv presents a Troth anthology compiling early non-album material and other odds and ends from the Australian duo. A massive 15-track retrospective, Uncut Flowers consists of the tracks from the Our Opaque Wreath cassette (Moontown Records, 2019), The Optimist (Essential Minerals, 2019), the Garland And Gauze 7" (Altered States Tapes, 2020) as well as various compilation contributions. 74 minutes.

"In evidence throughout is Troth’s penchant for capturing and collecting sounds from their environments, transforming field recordings, organic and non-organic sonic sources into textures of a palette that they then compose and improvise with. There’s a virtuosity of sampling and sound manipulation. The recurrent sounds from Besseny and Bowman’s intrepid field and bush explorations often verge on an indistinguishability between the synthesised and the concrete-organic. Permutated hand percussion or the throbbing of a waterfall; xylophonic melody or the tape loop of a bird call. The clank and tings of unidentified objects, matter itself writhing in the veggie garden. An environment starts speaking from iron gates in a paddock anywhere, close to the damp leaf and loam of a forest floor far below unseen birds and their cacophony of song and chatter. Tracks often collapse into a grey zone stretched between composition and improvisation." - Chris Colla