ホーム | -----A > Another TimbreLaurence Crane "Natural World" [CD]

Laurence Crane "Natural World" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: Another Timbre

Another Timbreからは9年振りとなる待望の新作!!前作[Chamber Works 1992–2009]がWire誌"The Wire's Top 50 Releases of 2014”に選出され話題となった英コンポーザーLaurence Crane。所謂Another Timbre系の作曲家とは少し異なる路線を行く人物であり、本作でもその表現が全開。大きく3つのセクションに分けられた55分の長編[Natural World]を披露、静謐なピアノとコーラス〜フィールドレコーディング〜電子ドローンとコーラスという、徐々に深みに引き込んでいく異質で最高に気持ちのイイ構造。

A haunting 55-minute work for voice, piano and electronics by one of the world's leading experimental composers. Natural World is in three sections - Field Guide, Chorus and Seascape. It starts playfully, with Juliet Fraser singing encyclopedia-style facts about birds and animals against Mark Knoop's stop-start piano motif. But, following the introduction of field recordings and then electronics, the music gradually - almost imperceptibly - becomes darker until, without ever explicitly addressing climate change, the listener is drawn into an ominous awareness of the fragility of the natural world and the eco-systems which sustain it. Essential music.