ホーム | -----Q > qbAlvin Lucier - Quatuor Bozzini "Navigations" [CD]

Alvin Lucier - Quatuor Bozzini "Navigations" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: qb

凄まじい演奏内容、激ヤバ・カルテットのプライベート出版作!!1999年にカナダで誕生した弦楽四重奏グループQuatuor Bozzini。ジョン・ケージやジェームズ・テニー、トム・ジョンソンなど巨匠勢の作品を100曲以上演奏、またEdition WandelweiserやAnother Timbreにもプレイヤーとして登場している超実力派集団。本作は2021年に他界した米実験音楽界の重要コンポーザーAlvin Lucierの楽曲の演奏記録!!まさに完璧な相性で仕上げられた凄まじい強度のアルバムで、ルシエ自身が本作の音盤化を促したというのも納得の超高内容。どう聴いても電子音にしか聞こえない[Disappearances]、ガキゴキと物音&摩擦を放射しまくる[Group Tapper]など名演が続きます。お見逃しなく。

“It is not enough just to play the right notes at the right time in the right way; one must also have the right consciousness. It places the performer in the role of explorer of the interior in order to produce, and being still in order to be active.”

— Pauline Oliveros

These words, spoken by Pauline Oliveros, remind us of how fundamental an influence Alvin Lucier has had on the development of new music and its interpretation; they remind us of our role as explorers of sound, and of the irresistible appeal that Lucier’s world has always had for our quartet. We have had the pleasure and honour of working with Alvin on several occasions, playing his music even more often. When he asked us in the winter of 2020 to release recordings of a Montréal concert from 2015, we decided to devote a new album to this music. It is with excitement that we now dedicate this disc to him! — Isabelle Bozzini