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Curd Duca "Waves 2" [LP + CD]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: Magazine

LP + CDのセット作!!90年代末にMille Plateauxから発表した3部作[Elevator]で知られるグリッチ音楽のイノベーターの一人Curd Duca。20年振りにソロ活動を再開、それに合わせスタートした新たな3部作[Waves]を入荷。本作は2021年に発表されたVol.2。フィールドレコーディング、ゴングやカウベル、ボウル等のアコースティック素材、シンセ、ヨレヨレのカセットテープ音源、人の声など大量の音素材を使い、数秒から2、3分程のミニマル・コンクレートを積み上げたメチャクチャ興味深いショート音響集。素材そのものの特徴を消さず上手く合成した秀逸な断片の連続です。

Waves is an album trilogy with which Duca is exploring the very essence of sound, and its possible meanings and contradictions. Part 2!

Curd Duca follows up last year's "Waves 1", his first album in two decades, with another flawless examination of sound and texture, contorting church bells, percussion, musical samples and field recordings methodically - and often humorously.

After his impressive 1990s/00s run on Normal and Mille Plateaux, he disappeared for 20 years before emerging from the aether last year. "Waves 2" takes off into more experimental realms, expanding on Duca's unusual combination of avantgarde aesthetics and organic qualities.

We get to hear 32 hypnotizing sonic experiments that range from burbling synth interferences and sequenced FM trickery to microtonal flute music and processed traffic sounds.

"Waves 2" is a hallucinatory experience, like a collage of mixtape assembled by one of the masters of the form, splicing together psychedelic synthesized wind sounds into cavernous glass percussion and granulated noise. - boomkat