ホーム | -----P > PurgeChris Petit & Mordant Music "In What's Missing, Is Where Love Has Gone" [LP]

Chris Petit & Mordant Music "In What's Missing, Is Where Love Has Gone" [LP]

価格: 5,797円(税込)
Label: Purge - purrrrrj001

奇怪なサウンドトラックを軸に完全玄人好みな怪しいアート物件やら電子音楽作品をリリースするレーベルPurge。その最も濃い部分を提示すべく始動した新たなLP出版シリーズpurrrrrjの第一弾作品。ジャケット写真でもお分かりの通り、ニコラス・ローグ監督、デヴィッド・ボウイの初主演映画「地球に落ちた男」に触発され、その映画のサウンド素材を用い再構築したChris Petit & Mordant Musicの異常な程に完成度の高いミュージックコンクレート作品。サントラでもスポークンワードでもない絶妙な部分を非常に上手く昇華させた傑作盤。180グラム重両盤、ハンドシルクスクリーン印刷、インサートに至るまでかなり拘りまくった装丁。



vinyl-only album by Chris Petit & Mordant Music, inspired by a freeze frame accidentally rendered from Petit’s late-night viewing of Nicolas Roeg’s ‘The Man Who Fell To Earth’.

"In a time of such free-floating anxiety and bad political hair, with everything running on empty, it’s hard to think of anything in terms of show or no show . . . I find myself thinking about an image of an entertainer, dead now, but with perfect hair . . . This man with perfect hair, turning his back on the world, face to the wall. And maybe also the fact that the image is not original but a copy of a copy of a copy, and though it is obviously him (or pretty obviously), there is always a chance it is not.” - Chris Petit

Exterior sleeve screen printed by hand in London—custom made inner—hand-stamped edition of 250—additional insert featuring new, original writing by Petit—cut on 180gr vinyl.