ホーム | -----F > False WallsAndrew Poppy "Ark Hive of A Live" [4CD + 128 page book + Slipcase]

Andrew Poppy "Ark Hive of A Live" [4CD + 128 page book + Slipcase]

価格: 6,897円(税込)
Label: False Walls

パッケージデザイン、内容共に激ヤバなボックスセット!!1981年に立ち上げられた、スティーヴ・ライヒ、フィリップ・グラス、ルイ・アンドリーセン作品のテクニックを探求する大規模アンサンブルThe Lost Jockeyの創設メンバー兼ピアニストとして活動を開始、その後もポストミニマルを追求し様々な分野に音楽家として貢献し続けたAndrew Poppy。80年代、90年代、00年代、10年代の未発表作を発表すべく行った演奏記録が4CD+どデカいブックのセットで作品化。アコースティックと電子音楽の対比、アンサンブルまたはオーケストラのための声楽のコレクション、独立したアンサンブルのための楽曲など、それぞれのディスクが異なるコンセプトで作られており、ミニマルミュージックを主軸としながら意欲的な創造を繰り返したこの人物の主要部分を網羅。ブックには本人のエッセイ、他者の執筆、アーカイブ写真を128ページに渡り掲載。スリップケース入り。

Ark Hive of A Live is a 4 CD set of recordings by Andrew Poppy, along with a 128 page book, including writing by Andrew Poppy; an introduction by Paul Morley; other writing by Leah Kardos, Nik Bärtsch and Rose English; and archival photographs.

Andrew Poppy developed Ark Hive of A Live as a place for unreleased music from the 80s 90s 00s and 10s. ‘Live’ in the title indicates these works originated in public performance as opposed to the recording studio — however, these live recordings have been processed, and while they remember their original acoustic vibration are now transformed, transplanted and almost the same.

Ark Hive of A Live isn’t a box set ‘best of’ or mini series. Each disc has been ordered to play like an album, with an indelible ‘suite-like’ order, even if many of the pieces were written at different times and with different production details. Volumes 1 to 4 are focused respectively on: the orchestra with a soloist; a collection of vocal pieces, for ensemble or orchestra; music written for independent ensembles; and the contrast between acoustic music and music which creatively exploits electrical and electronic technology.

The Ark Hive is an ironic meditation on the archive. It brings together element of biography and materials from a lifetime of creative endeavour in sonic, language and visual forms. Tracks, writings, performance photographs and scores: 1+1+1+1 = Ark Hive. The project holds it all together with some irony, because it is aware of the absurdity of the enterprise but plows ahead relentlessly anyway.