ホーム | -----R > Reiger Records ReeksRoland Kayn "Infra" [3CD Box]

Roland Kayn "Infra" [3CD Box]

価格: 7,887円(税込)
Label: Reiger Records Reeks

今回もジム・オルーク氏がリマスターを担当!!不屈の名作[Infra]が遂にCDボックスでリイシュー!!1933年ドイツ-ロイトリンゲン出身、イタリアの伝説的即興集団Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanzaの活動初期に参加、ソロでは70年代後半〜80年代中期に掛けてColosseumに数種のLPボックスを残し、90年代に入ってからは自身のReiger-records-reeksより大量のCD音盤を発表し続けた音楽家ローラント・カイン。オリジナルは1981年にColosseumから4LPボックスで出版された超傑作[Infra]が初再発!!多くの説明は不要、圧倒的スケールで押し寄せる高密度な電子音放射。マスト。








Recent years have seen the release and reissue of dozens of hours of Roland Kayn’s music, on several labels and in both physical and digital formats. Our interconnected yet chaoKcally imbued age seems to be the seLng in which Kayn has truly found his audience. The scene is now set for one of the most momentous works in his oeuvre to return to the shelves. ‘Infra'.

One of the Ktanic cyberneKc works Kayn originally released on the Colosseum label in early 80s, ‘Infra’ (1978-79) has come to occupy a very special place in the hearts of fans lucky enough to have copies of the original vinyl box sets. Now lovingly remastered from the original archive masters by Kayn devotee Jim O’Rourke, ‘Infra’ has finally found its way to CD for a new generaKon of admirers to discover.