ホーム | -----H > HeronHoly Heron "nowhere​,​isolation​,​cure​,​outside" [Cassette]

Holy Heron "nowhere​,​isolation​,​cure​,​outside" [Cassette]

価格: 2,000円(税込)
Label: Heron

全6種のパッケージデザイン!!国内で活動するアンビエント/エクスペリメンタル音楽家Holy Heronのプライベートカセット第二弾。最小限の機材を持ち歩き録音したというスケッチ風の即興演奏と、雑踏フィールドレコーディングを混ぜ合わせたストレンジな音風景が面白い。今回も画家の柳澤貴彦の絵画をアートワークに使用、DIY感満載の仕上がりも良い。

It is difficult to deal with a highly sensitive temperament.

I was terribly worn out at the time. What have I done to get to where I am today? I don't really remember. And by no means am I completely at ease now.

I carried a minimal amount of equipment and recorded some improvisations on the way home. In the end, it lasted 26 days. I couldn't help but express something and spit it out.

Later, I processed those materials and finished the works.
I am not sure at this time what exactly this works.
But there is no doubt that it saved me at the time.

field recording:recorded in May-June 2023