ホーム | -----D > Death Is Not The EndV.A "Is It Really Goodbye? More Ryukoka Recordings, 1929​-​​1938" [Cassette]

V.A "Is It Really Goodbye? More Ryukoka Recordings, 1929​-​​1938" [Cassette]

価格: 1,947円(税込)
Label: Death Is Not The End

日本のレコード業界の初期段階で出現した"流行歌"を纏めた貴重過ぎるアーカイヴもの!!1920年代の終わりから1930年代後半までをカバーした16曲編成のV.Aであり、赤坂小梅の"ほんとにそうなら"を含む希少音源を多数収録。西洋のクラシック、ブルース、ジャズの要素を日本の伝統音楽に落とし込んだ、まさに文化の変革期ならではの面白スタイルが満載。とてつもない審美眼で世界中から埋もれた名演を発掘しまくる最強レーベル[Death Is Not The End]からのリリース。

A further volume of ryūkōka recordings, covering the end of the 1920s though to the late 1930s, supplementing the recent Longing for the Shadow collection...

Emerging during the early stages of the recording industry in Japan, the ryūkōka style adopted western classical, blues & jazz elements into traditional and classical Japanese music.

Is It Really Goodbye? further collects pre-war ryūkōka records which capture the hauntingly unique sound of a cultural merging that was starting to reflect itself via popular song, ahead of the widespread influence of western pop music during post-war US occupation.