ホーム | -----A > AZOTHSimon Balestrazzi & Nicola Quiriconi "Licheni" [CD]

Simon Balestrazzi & Nicola Quiriconi "Licheni" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: AZOTH

81年にパルマで始動したイタリアの重要エクスペリメンタル・プロジェクトTomografia Assiale Computerizzata(T.A.C)結成時のメンバーであり、Ikue MoriやMax Eastley、Z'EVと共同制作も行ってきた大ベテランSimon Balestrazzi。現行のイタリアシーンより魅力的な音源を発信する気鋭レーベルDissipatioの主宰者Nicola Quiriconiと発表した共作。自作システムから発せられる小さなサウンドを増幅する静謐なアンプリファイ及びエレクトロアコースティック作品で、とにかく2者の感覚/相性が非常に良い為紡ぎ出されるサウンドに圧倒されます。マイクロスコピックな音響~物音好きにまで激オススメ。

Balestrazzi and Quiriconi have performed together many times over the last few years both with the deep drone audio/visual project DAIMON and Balestrazzi guesting with Quriconi’s long lived ensemble VipCancro. “Licheni” documents their first meeting as a duo and explores an adventurous sonic territory between free improv and microsound. Balestrazzi (T.A.C., Dream Weapon Ritual, A Sphere Of Simple Green et al.) has been around for more of three decades painstakingly experimenting in various fields, here his amplified objects and self built little instruments are confronted with the angular frequencies of Quiriconi’s voice and contact microphones. The overwhelmingly tactile sounds which the duo produces are so finely intertwined that like real life lichens each musician’s sound cell and particle needs the presence of the other’s to come to life, create dynamics, give way to a dense electroacoustic ecosystem where tiny sound objects, voice and assorted debris are bowed, struck, excited in every possible way.
“Licheni” is a journey with no discernible beginning or end, a fertile soil for the growth of new unpredictable sound forms.