ホーム | -----I > I Dischi Di AngelicaPygmies MBENZELE - Pygmies AKA "DAYS FULL OF SOUND - life in the rainforest" [2CD + 40 pages booklet]

Pygmies MBENZELE - Pygmies AKA "DAYS FULL OF SOUND - life in the rainforest" [2CD + 40 pages booklet]

価格: 3,707円(税込)
Label: I Dischi Di Angelica

ズッシリとした40ページブックレットが付属する貴重音源!!ジョン・ケージ、シャルルマーニュ・パレスタイン、テリー・ライリー、ポーリン・オリヴェロス等、重鎮作曲家勢の録音を数多く残すボローニャの団体I Dischi Di Angelicaの出版物。コンゴ民主共和国の北東と北西の熱帯雨林に住む2つのピグミー族、"ムベンツェレ"と"アカ"の録音を2枚のディスクに分けて収録したフィールドレコーディング集。それぞれの儀式やポリフォニー、チャント、リズム、ゲーム等、生活に関係する音楽/音が集められており、集団即興のシンプルな動作にて驚くべきサウンド生み出す最高に気持ちの良い現場記録。ピグミー関連の録音は多く存在しますが、資料性、音の内容共に間違いなく重要作となるであろう傑作。

40 pages booklet with photos, texts (english and italian)
limited edition 300 copies
premiere recording

(please NOTE: some of the tracks listed here have a video linked to them - just for reference: sometimes the music corresponds to the video, other times not - all videos have been made by Roberto Monari)

NOTE ~ Each sound was selected on the basis of its musicality within the context, and the flow, of these 2 records. Some parts, like dialogues and speeches, were edited based on the resulting sound and music and on the space conceived for each track, which aims at being a testimony of many aspects of these two peoples’ lives. Music and sounds were interpreted without understanding their language. The track titles were selected on the basis of their content, they are a reference to what happens in the track in order to guide the listening and have no musicological nature.

tracks 1>27 - disc 1
MBENZÉLÉ: rituals, polyphonies, chants, voices, rhythms, games, ceremonies

tracks 28>47 - disc 2
AKA: rituals, polyphonies, chants, voices, rhythms, games, ceremonies