ホーム | -----S > St.An.Da.Gianluca Becuzzi "Axis Mundi" [2CD]

Gianluca Becuzzi "Axis Mundi" [2CD]

価格: 3,267円(税込)
Label: St.An.Da.

80年代前半から活動、特殊な音響空間を利用したエレクトロアコースティックや難解なコンセプチュアルワーク、既成音源のカットアップミックス等、毎度新たな表現方法に挑み続けるイタリアの音楽家Gianluca Becuzzi。2022年10月にイタリア13系列のSt.An.Da.より発表した新作2CD[Axis Mundi]。いつにも増して超難解な宗教及び宇宙をコンセンプトに作り上げたという強靭なダークアンビエント/ドゥーム路線な内容であり、それでいてしっかりとしたリチュアルなイメージも背後に仕込まれた激シブ長編。

"According to the anthropology of religions, the axis mundi is a bridge between three dimensions: Earth, Heaven and Abyss. It is an element of verticality and transcendence as well as of fall. Often identified with towers or altars, it indicates the axis of the cosmos, which relates the center of man, his deep soul, with what exists Outside and Beyond. The axis mundi embodies its impulse towards eternity, not only as an aspiration to a shining after life but also as a personal hell. This is the religious man. This is the modern man in front of the most hidden part of self: a being forced between the bonds of a sterile present, reduced to an object, who seeks, investigates, finds new spaces of expression and revolt. The space of the sacred, no longer identifiable with tradition or with rules of different churches, for the artist is the space of art. For all of us it is the encounter in this enclosure of mythical topography, threatened and corroded, but in which we insist on wanting to enter. Our Protected Time. Our Tree of Life"