ホーム | -----R > Room40Siavash Amini "Serus" [Black Smoke LP]

Siavash Amini "Serus" [Black Smoke LP]

価格: 3,597円(税込)
Label: Room40

廃盤作品のストックを特別に提供頂きました、傑作!!厳格なエレクトロニックノイズと豊かなクラシック・コンポジションをブレンドし独自路線を開拓するイラン孤高のサウンドアーティストSiavash Amini。自国の伝統音楽の研究や人の感情と宇宙の関連をコンセプトとした作品など、毎度面白いアプローチを仕掛ける人物ですが、本作は"夜"及び"睡眠"にフォーカスした2019年廃盤タイトル[Serus]。眠れない酩酊状態が続き、最終的には神経衰弱に陥りICUで3日間過ごした経験を音像化したもので、ドス黒いエレクトロニクスと鮮やかなクラシカル・アンビエントが渦を巻くどデカいスケールのアブストラクト音響。ブラックスモーク・ヴァイナルを入荷。

Heavy stock, matte Laminate, black smoke LP

“Every night is two nights, according to Maurice Blanchot. The night the body spends in sleep is not the same as the night the dreamer spends in dreams. The sleeping body may lie under the stars, and the dreamer may dream of the stars—even of a journey to the stars—but the night of the dream is a night without stars.”

rom Siavash
The Idea of this album, when I first started drafting it, was to continue what struck me as very interesting yet simple idea; night. I became interested in different definitions of what night is, our perception of it and what night means physically to us as well as symbolically.

I came across the idea of ‘other night’ described by Maurice Blanchot, during my research. It started me recognising night as something we experience as ‘the night of sleep’; it is night that we resist in sleep, by way of dreaming.

Things became more interesting for me during many nights of not sleeping and intoxication, and an eventual nervous breakdown. This experience, culminating in me spending three days in ICU, gave me pause to think about Blanchot’s words.

Slipping in and out of consciousness my mind, which had already experienced a blurring of what one might call the ‘other night’ and the night itself, by being in half sleep most of the time. I felt myself far way from all my surroundings and at the same time being very attentive to some details in the objects around me. It was as if my body and mind where in an in-between state. I can only describe this as being distant or more precisely being in the dark. Objects and people showed themselves out of proportion and mostly dim.

A feeling to describe this sensation, the word for which I only came across later, is ‘Serus’. There was a sense of repetition and familiarity in some feelings and emotions that I had towards some objects like sensing I knew them but not exactly from where or when. It was as if my body was resisting sleep and my sleepy mind was resisting being awake, only to dream of another type of the world that I could be awake in.