ホーム | -----B > Buh RecordsSantiago Pillado-Matheu "La revolucion y la tierra" [LP]

Santiago Pillado-Matheu "La revolucion y la tierra" [LP]

価格: 4,037円(税込)
Label: Buh Records

2019年に公開、前例のない成功を収めたというペルーのドキュメンタリー映画[La revolucion y la tierra]のサウンドトラックがBuh RecordsよりLPリリース!!フアン・ベラスコ・アルバラード政府との闘争を描いた作品であり、サントラを担当したのはこのレーベルが激推しする自国のサウンドアーティスト兼ミュージシャンSantiago Pillado-Matheu。アンデスに関係するサウンドを中心に使用、70年代のシンセサイザー音楽との融合、映画のワンシーンと組み合わせたコラージュ、そしてサイケデリックからラテンラウンジまでを披露する、まさにこのレーベルの方向性を全てカバーした面白音源。非常にカッチリとした作りの高品質ジャケット。

"La revolución y la tierra" is a Peruvian documentary film that became an unprecedented success in Peru, after its premiere in 2019, turning into the most-watched Peruvian documentary of all time. Directed by Gonzalo Benavente Secco and produced by Autocinema, the film offers a vision of one of the defining chapters in recent Peruvian history: the Agrarian Reform, a law enacted by the government of Juan Velasco Alvarado in 1969 (within the context of the so-called “Peruvian revolution”), which marked a before and after in a history of struggles for the land and citizenship in Peru. “La revolución y la tierra" is a film about these struggles and the imageries built by Peruvian cinema throughout time.
The soundtrack was made by Santiago Pillado-Matheu, a versatile Peruvian musician and sound artist, founder of the psychedelic rock group El Hombre Misterioso, and creator of sound installations having memory as theme. In this soundtrack, Pillado-Matheu develops a musical universe based on the use of Andean sounds, in evocative landscape pieces of melodic and ritualistic ambient and drone music, which progressively incorporate sound collages, using samples of peasant leaders’ voices and footage from the film.
We can also find electronic pieces that make a nod to the synthesizer music of the 70s, as well as psychedelic rock discharges and pieces of a hypnotic Afro-Latin lounge, which give unity to this sound mosaic that also greatly evokes the sound of an era, and that, having acclaimed Peruvian soundtracks such as “Cholo”, by El Polen, or “Venas de la Tierra” by Luis David Aguilar—both released by Buh Records—as a precedent, adds a new item to a series that seeks to disseminate milestones of film music made in Peru.
“La revolucion y la tierra” by Santiago Pillado-Matheu is released by Buh Records, with the support of Autocinema, in a vinyl edition of 300 copies. Art by Goster.