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Rick Deitrick "The Unguitarist : Complete Works, 1969​-​2022" [5CD Box set]

価格: 8,657円(税込)
Label: Tompkins Square - TSQ 5456

限定500セット、未発表曲を大量追加した超豪華アーカイヴ!!オハイオ生まれ、16歳でギターを手に取りオープンチューニングを軸とした演奏の追求を開始した知られざる名ギタープレイヤーRick Deitrick。ここTompkins Squareが発掘し3枚のアルバムをLP化しましたが現在は全て廃盤、本作はその3枚に未発表曲を追加した決定版的5CDアーカイヴ!!活動当初は自然からインスピレーションを受ける事が多く、米国西部に点在する様々な川のほとりで演奏したり、また時には岩の上に腰掛けながら演奏したり、スタジオと野外を行き来しながら録音を行なっていた人物。トラディショナル、フォークを上手に踏襲しつつも、しっかりと自分のクールなスタイルを落とし込んだ超傑作集成。直筆サイン入りカード、本人のライナー等付属。

Ohio-born Rick Deitrick took up the guitar at 16 and decided to approach his playing as if he was the only guy on an island and the instrument had just washed ashore one day. According to Rick, "I completely divorced my playing from any formal music knowledge, but it was very important to me to use original tuning. During those years, the ‘60s/70's, there was a lot of acoustic guitar playing, often using open tuning as a base. I wanted to create whole tones without de-tuning and keep access to the complex sounds stock tuning provided."

Rick pressed 500 LPs of his tranquil solo guitar record, Gentle Wilderness, in 1978. He gave copies to libraries and left a few in the middle of the wilderness, next to trails, "so people would find them." Rick sought inspiration in nature and in particular the various rivers scattered around the Western United States, often composing songs while seated beside them.

Now, Tompkins Square is proud to present a 5CD retrospective box set, Rick Deitrick - The Unguitarist : Complete Works, 1969 - 2022 , which makes a strong case for Rick as one of the most individual voices in acoustic guitar music over the past half century.

The box set contains :
Disc 1: Gentle Wilderness - 1978 album. Tompkins Square LP reissue out of print. First time on CD
Disc 2 : River Sun River Moon - Recorded 1977-78. Tompkins Square LP out of print. First time on CD
Disc 3 : Coyote Canyon - Recorded 1972-75, except one song 1999. Tompkins Square LP almost out of print. First time on CD
Disc 4 : Homegrown : Recordings 1969 - 1979 - First time in a physical format
Disc 5 : Sage & Sand - Recorded 1969-2022 - Entire CD of previously unreleased material
Plus :
- A litho card hand-signed by Rick
- Notes by Rick Deitrick and Acoustic Guitar Editor, Adam Perlmutter
- Transcription of Rick’s “Ballet La Jeunesse"
- Design by D. Norsen
- Limited Edition Box Set (500)