ホーム | -----B > Black Sweat RecordsWayne Siegel "Early Works" [CD]

Wayne Siegel "Early Works" [CD]

価格: 2,589円(税込)
Label: Black Sweat Records

名作、久々再入荷!! 確かな審美眼にて再発にも力を入れているイタリアBlack Sweat Recordsより注目のタイトルがリリース!!カリフォルニア出身、70年代に作曲と哲学を学ぶ為デンマークに渡った孤高の音楽家Wayne Siegel。83年にPaulaレーベルからリリースされた名作1st LP[Autumn Resonance / Domino Figures]の拡張再発版。実はデンマークのアート系レーベルBINが一度[Domino Figures]だけを12インチで単体再発しており、そんな流れからも自国ではかなりの注目度が伺える作曲家。42人のギタリストが微妙なズレを保ちながら紡ぐとんでもなくスケールのデカいミニマル[Domino Figures]、今回が初出となる気持ちの悪いエコー効果を使ったチェロ + エレクトロニクスの反復[Voices Recurrent]、全曲本気で素晴らしい名曲揃いのアルバム。

This at length awaited CD version includes contents from the original 1983's LP Autumn Resonance / Domino Figures released by danish label Paula. Inedited Voices Recurrent and Music for 21 Clarinets are available along with linear notes written by the author, echoing the current value of his experimental approach to the sound practice.
A selection of the most radical impressive works composed by Wayne Siegel when he was mid-twenties. Moved to Denmark, between 1979 and 1980, he began to investigate possibilities of a very personal language, contributing to mould the heterogeneous kaleidoscope of Post-Minimalism results. The early works are constructed around a relentless musical process that consists of delaying and repeating every element in a certain measure, without intentional alteration. Siegel called this process canon technique, letting it to become over time his nutritious obsession.