ホーム | -----R > Room40David Toop, Akio Suzuki, Lawrence English "Breathing Spirit Forms" [Book + CD + Fold Out Poster]

David Toop, Akio Suzuki, Lawrence English "Breathing Spirit Forms" [Book + CD + Fold Out Poster]

価格: 2,937円(税込)
Label: Room40 - RM4146

あらゆる音楽ファンに激推ししたい最高に素晴らしい野外セッション音源!!装丁もメチャクチャ素晴らしい仕上がり!!60年代後半よりサウンドアートを軸に幅広い活動を継続してきた英国ロンドンの重鎮作家David Toop、日本が世界に誇る最高峰のサウンドアーティスト/パフォーマーの鈴木昭男氏、そしてレーベルRoom40を主宰し多くの名作を出版、自らも音楽家として動くLawrence English、この三者がオーストラリアの夜の森の中で行なったトリオ編成の共同録音。フルートやスティック、石、スポンジ、ハンドミラー、短波ラジオをそれぞれが操り、腐敗したヤシの木にぶつけてみたり、真っ暗闇の森に同調するサウンドを発したり、森そのものが持つ気配及びサウンドスケープとの調和が凄まじい領域で記録された超傑作。4パネル折りたたみポスター付き、24ページの本にはDavid Toopによるテキスト、鈴木氏のドローイング、LawrenceEnglishのフォトを掲載。マスト。

Monochrome printed + matte laminate sleeve, 4 panel fold out poster and 24 page book with text by David Toop, drawings by Akio Suzuki and photography by Lawrence English

David Toop - Flutes, sticks
Akio Suzuki - Analapos, flutes, stones, sponge & hand mirror, pocket bottle & mallet
Lawrence English - Shortwave radio, handheld electronics, percussion.

From Lawrence English
I am ceaselessly fascinated by how memory operates and, I’m regularly struck by how individually subjective a collective experience can be when recalled by its participants. Lynch’s Lost Highway comes to mind here, specifically Bill Pullman’s character Fred Madison who says “I like to remember things my own way. How I remembered them, not necessarily the way they happened.” Like Madison, I can’t help but sense that memory takes shape through an accumulative process that reflects how each of us have lived (and maybe even wanted to live) up to that point in time.

Going back to listen again to these recordings of which I was a part with David and Akio, I was surprised by what elements had stayed with me and what others had slipped into the eternal greying of my mind. I have vivid recollections of listening to a Lyre bird before recording the pieces together at Witches Falls. I remember both Akio and David finding musicality in decaying palm fronds. I remember Akio’s voice, amplified through his Analpos, bouncing off the stones and trees. I remember David’s flute, so quiet in the pitch black of the night forest as to appear like a hushed tone of wind or a distant animal calling. I also remember trying to match my modest hand held electronics with the pulsing and pitching of the insects around me.

Reading David’s text, which is included in the book published alongside this edition, he recounts several things I had forgotten. Conversations about memory, ironically enough, had vanished from my mind until reading his words. I also didn’t really remember my role as tick surgeon, removing a living insect from David’s ear. I do remember his cooking though, as does Akio (captured aptly in his drawings), no doubt a testament to David’s improvisational culinary expertise.

Breathing Spirit Forms represents a distinctive exchange between friends and collaborators. Tamborine commands a special presence and encourages a deep patience from those who are willing to give time to its varied environments. For the three of us, we were fortunate to share these moments together, fleeting in our lives as they might be, to sense the mountain’s unique qualities, to respond to them through our exchanges and to form memories (as disparate as they might be) we carry forward with us in time.