ホーム | -----F > Flag Day RecordingsV.A "Hordijk, Vol. 1" [CD]

V.A "Hordijk, Vol. 1" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: Flag Day Recordings

Jim O'Rourkeを含む素晴らしい電子音楽家達が参加した高内容V.A!!英国のトリオグループTwinkle³の一員である大ベテラン電子音楽家Richard Scottが監修を務めた、過去20年間に渡りユニークなエレクトリックデバイスを生み出してきたオランダのデザイナーRob Hordijkに捧げられたオマージュ作。とにかく人選が素晴らしく、Jim O'Rourkeをはじめ、80年大から活動するTodd Barton、Room40に多くの音源を残しているJohn Chantler、THU20のメンバー及びマスタリングエンジニアとして引っ張りだこのJos Smoldersら、全10名が様々な形態のエレクトリッック・ミュージックを披露。米Flag Day Recordingsからの出版作。

This compilation is a tribute to the works of Dutch designer Rob Hordijk, who in the last two decades has created a unique and extraordinary range of electronic instruments. On numerous occasions he has shared his vast and fundamental knowledge to the scene and to some of us individually.

In conversation with Rob he always shares his deep understanding of the physics of sound, explaining how you can employ electronic circuits to produce not only the purest waves but most of all how they can work together as an organic musical instrument. Each instrument has been personally designed and produced by Rob, often resulting in a personal connection with the purchaser. Owning a Hordijk System or a Blippoo box one senses the hand of the master.

This compilation is a show of appreciation by the composers on this album.