ホーム | -----M > ModeLuc Ferrari, Brunhild Ferrari, Vincent Royer "Ephemere" [CD]

Luc Ferrari, Brunhild Ferrari, Vincent Royer "Ephemere" [CD]

価格: 3,047円(税込)
Label: Mode mode 285

コレは凄まじい内容です、2016年出版の超名作!!2005年に他界したフランスの重鎮コンポーザーであるリュック・フェラーリ。氏が生前残した1974年名作[Ephemere]、そして1978年の[Ce qu’a vu le Cers]をベースに新たに作り上げた[Pour Que Le Vent Soit Propice]、更に妻ブリュンヒルド=マイヤー・フェラーリの[Le Piano Englouti]、3つのフェラーリ関連の新解釈音源を纏めた超高内容アルバム。生前フェラーリとコラボレーションをしていたヴァイオリニストVincent Royerも参加、南フランスの風、海、村の宴の物語というイメージにて作り上げたオブスキュア・サウンドスケープ!!お見逃しなく。



This album tells stories about wind, ocean and a village feast in the southern France... The listener is led into a poetic journey about free- dom and impermanence.
It brings together three Ferrari-related works: by Ferrari himself, by Ferrari’s wife Brunhild Meyer- Ferrari and an improvisation by Royer to one of Ferrari’s soundscapes.
Luc Ferrari was very interested in collaboration. New music violist Vincent Royer began collab- orating with Ferrari following their meeting in 2001.
Regarding Ephémère (1974), Ferrari wrote: “This musical piece – which, as its name says, is based on the effects of the sea – is intended for musicians open to all types of music. As the name says too, this tape has been conceived as a snap of time.” In 2012 Brunhild Ferrari real- ized this new version for Royer’s viola.
BRUNHILD FERRARI’s Le piano englouti (“The Sunken Piano”) is a tape piece comprised of recorded and processed sounds. The sounds were recorded over 14 years, at a Greek island almost swallowed by the noisy Aegean Sea, and in 2010, at a very discreet and silent Japanese island. Originally composed to accompany a piano, as in Debussy’s work of the same name, this version is arranged for Royer’s viola.
The ROYER/FERRARI Pour que le vent soit propice uses Ferrari’s tape piece “Ce qu’a vu le Cers” as the basis for a viola & electronics improvisation. This live recording captures the special mood of the intimate concert surround- ings it was recorded at.
Liner notes by Brunhild Ferrari and Royer.