ホーム | -----S > spazio di HausdorffGiancarlo Toniutti, James Wyness "Drookitarlup" [CD]

Giancarlo Toniutti, James Wyness "Drookitarlup" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: spazio di Hausdorff

コレは凄まじい内容です!!70年代後半より独自のエレクトロアコースティック及び即興演奏、ノイズ作品を追求して来たイタリアの重鎮Giancarlo Toniutti待望の新作!!今回はスコットランドにて活動するJames Wynessと共に取り組んで来た、なんと自身らがコンダクターとなり録音した42人の演奏家の為の騒音オーケストラ作!!両者共に多少の編集は加えている様ですが、キリキリとした生音ならではのおぞましい感触がメチャクチャ素晴らしく、怒涛の勢いで騒音を放射しまくるもはやジャンクの集積とも言える展開は圧巻の一言。大推薦。





1. drookitarlupia incauta [23'21"] adapted by Giancarlo Toniutti
2. drookitarlupia undique temere interiecta [23'00"] adapted by James Wyness
(12 page booklet and folded score)

Giancarlo Toniutti and James Wyness met several times in various European places to compose drookitarlùp, a 23' piece for 42 players with mostly folk, extraeuropean, or self-built and unusual wind, string, friction and percussion acoustic instruments. An orchestra of specialised players, The Kafkian Cladistique Claque, gathered with the authors at Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, Slovakia.

They rehearsed time and again, then both composers conducted one performance each with their specific interpretation of the original score. Each session was recorded and finally brought home to be mixed by the authors.