ホーム | -----I > Important RecordsZak Riles [CD]

Zak Riles [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Important Records

オレゴン州ポートランドを拠点に活動するインストゥルメンタル・ロック・バンド"Grails"のソングライター兼マルチ楽器奏者であったZak Riles。氏の音楽性がバンドへもたらした貢献は計り知れず、本作は初のソロ作として米Important Recordsが出版したCD音源。ペルシャ音楽からPopol Vuh、更にはベンチャーズまでを横断した独創的且つドラマティックなインスト集となっており、徐々に加速し図太く突き抜けていく展開も最高。

Zak Riles is a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist in the Important band Grails. His creative contributions to the group are immeasurable and can be heard clearly on this self titled debut solo outing. In fact some of the pieces on this solo record have been reinterpreted into Grails favorites. Like his band Grails, Zak Riles' solo work is an elaborate mansion built of inspiration, but with so much strength and originality that it stands firmly on its own. On these rocky shores come crashing waves of Sandy Bull, Mogolar, Deuter, Popol Vuh and the Ventures, while a Persian breeze drifts by wafting the melodies of Hossein Alizadeh. Essential listening for followers of Important Records who favor the likes of Grails & James Blackshaw.

1. Pacific Siren

2. Confluence

3. Sand/Silk Rd. Origin

4. Res Extensa

5. Before the Refuge

6. Slack Key

7. Chloe