ホーム | -----K > KarlrecordsGiulio Aldinucci "Shards Of Distant Times" [CD]

Giulio Aldinucci "Shards Of Distant Times" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Karlrecords - KR076

同Karlrecordsから発表した2枚のアルバム[Borders And Ruins]、[Disappearing In A Mirror]、どちらもその年のベストリリースリストにランクインした、サウンドスケープの研究、並行してエレクトロアコースティックの作曲家として活動してきたイタリアのGiulio Aldinucci。本作は通算6枚目となる2020年ソロアルバム[Shards Of Distant Times]。長年続けてきたフィールドレコーディングと様々な要素をブレンドするというスタイルが貫かれており、本作では人間の声の特徴としたもはや賛美歌とも言える凄まじい領域に踏み込んでいます。

Italian sound artist GIULIO ALDINUCCI returns with his 3rd album on KARL: “Shards Of Distant Times” is again a truly masterfully composed and sound-designed ambient masterpiece and a more than worthy follow-up to the critically acclaimed “Borders And Ruins” (2017) and “Disappearing In A Mirror” (2018) which both made it onto several year’s best lists.

Over the course of six solo albums on labels like DRONARIVM plus EPs and collaborative albums (a.o. with IAN HAWGOOD), GIULIO ALDINUCCI successively has been refining his skills as composer and sound designer. His elegant style which blends ambient and field recordings came to full impact on his previous KARL albums “Borders And Ruins” and “Disappearing In A Mirror” which gained the Italian sound artist a lot of critical praise and made it onto several year’s best lists, a.o. Acloserlisten.com. ALDINUCCI’s latest effort is again not only a musical masterpiece of sublime beauty and sacral majesty, it also deals with philosophical concerns.
Where “Borders …” was a reflection on the instability of borders and “Disappearing In A Mirror” raised the very personal question of identity, “Shards Of Distant Times explores the liminal areas of the contemporary soundscape that are characterized by the presence of human voice coming from old and timeworn recordings. Like in the auditory pareidolia, the psychological phenomenon in which the mind hears indistinct voices in random noise where none exist, voices and music emerge from the everyday soundscape through the omnipresent internet connected devices, creating glitches between time and space” (ALDINUCCI).