ホーム | -----N > New World RecordsLarry Polansky "The World's Longest Melody" [CD]

Larry Polansky "The World's Longest Melody" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: New World Records - 80700-2

Wire誌の2010年ベストアルバムにも選出された隠れ名作!!ミルズカレッジ現代音楽センターで学び、James Tenneyなども絡んだFrog Peak Musicのディレクター兼共同創設者であるハンプシャー州ハノーバー出身の米重要作曲家Larry Polansky。同New World Recordsからは超アヴァンなエレクトロアコースティック作[The Theory Of Impossible Melody]が再発されていますが、氏の音楽を未体験の方にこそ本作も非常にお勧め!!ギター、ハープ、パーカッションを使い、まさにエクスペリメンタル/現代音楽/ミニマル・ポップと言って良い不思議な牧歌世界を創出。時には歌声も飛び出したりする面白音源満載の90年代~00年代の楽曲集。




The World’s Longest Melody is a collection of experimental music written for the guitar by composer/guitarist Larry Polansky (b. 1954). The guitar has long been an important component in Polansky’s musical explorations, and this CD has grown from the enthusiasm for his work by the musicians of the Belgian electric guitar quartet ZWERM. The acoustic and electric guitar are featured both solo and in small and large combinations; a few pieces not originally conceived for the instrument are also presented here in guitar-oriented guise. These works explore new techniques of experimental intonation, computer composition, and extraordinary and new modes of playing the guitar. It includes the premiere recording of his radically difficult for jim, ben and lou (harp, guitar, and percussion) in which the percussionist retunes the strings to different just intonations as the piece progresses. Given the endlessly fluent and fertile nature of Polansky’s imagination one is somehow reluctant to describe any of his individual compositions as a masterpiece: but certainly this work powerfully encapsulates a wide range of his preoccupations and integrates them into a coherent whole that could not be mistaken for the work of any other composer.