ホーム | -----M > Maria de Alvear World EditionDavid Toub "Ataraxia" [CD]

David Toub "Ataraxia" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: Maria de Alvear World Edition - 0029

エレクトリック・オルガンワークスなどもリリースし、1981年以降は反復を中心としたミニマリストまたはポストミニマリストの作曲/演奏家として活動をしてきたDavid Toub。制限された音数に集中するというコンセプトから自身では"フォーカスミュージック"と呼称しており、まさに限られたパターンにて静謐なピアノを奏でていくというスタイル。特に約47分という長時間によるセット[Quartet For Piano]の不穏な美しさは絶妙過ぎて完全に引き込まれます。



Unlike my earlier freetonal and 12-tone works, my music since 1981 has been characterized by the use of repetition, and since 2004 by generally soft dynamics. While often termed "minimalist" or "postminimalist," I have come to prefer the term "focused music," as my works tend to concentrate on very specific, and often a limited number of, music elements.

Typically, there is but a single dynamic level specified, and sometimes not even that. I like to provide a good deal of freedom for the performers to interpret and put their own marks on the music.

Some works consist of a small number of tones, or else focus on a small set for an extended time horizon. - David Toub