ホーム | -----B > BoltSzabolcs Esztenyi "FOR ANDRZEJ BIEZAN [CD]

Szabolcs Esztenyi "FOR ANDRZEJ BIEZAN [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)
Label: Bolt - BR1060

同Boltから超高内容なド派手ライブエレクトロニクス・アーカイヴが出版されている、70~80年代にポーランドラジオ局実験スタジオにて作曲活動に勤しんだコンポーザーAndrzej Biezan。本作は氏の作曲作品の中でも貴重とされるアコースティック楽器のみを使ったグラフィック・スコア及び即興作品を纏めたもの。弦楽四重奏、ヴァイオリン協奏曲、大規模オーケストラの為の作品、ピアノ・ソロといった、強靭な響きから流麗な流れまでが聞ける玄人好みのパフォーマンスばかりで、まさにBoltらしいマニアックな纏め方をしています。



The music of Andrzej Bieżan is usually associated with improvisation, with his versatile work in intuitive music and his compositions for magnetic tape created at the Experimental Studio of Polish Radio. However, in the Bieżan archive, carefully maintained by his sister, Ewa Bieżan, one can find many sketches as well as finished instrumental and vocal compositions which utilize both traditional and graphic notation. Part of this material is music for theatre performances. Some of the scores are autonomous pieces. Among them, there is a string quartet, a violin concerto, a composition for an orchestra and many sketches as well as a couple of finished piano and chamber forms. Bieżan liked to improvise during his performances and only rarely, if at all, played noted piano compositions live. Today, thanks to the selection made by professor Szábolcs Esztényi, we can listen to the interesting propositions of this composer who died before his time.