ホーム | -----A > AkuphoneEka Faune "Healing of the Nation" [CD]

Eka Faune "Healing of the Nation" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Akuphone - AKUCD100910

1950年代初頭から現行のシーンまでの奇怪なグローバルポップ及びフォークミュージックに焦点を当てたリリースを行うフランスAkuphone。2014年フランスはナントを拠点に音楽プロジェクトを開始、アジア文化、シャーマニズム、ポストパンクを融合させカルトなエスノサウンドを紡ぎ出す3人組バンドEka Fauneの2022年アルバム。リズムマシンを主軸とした内容ながら非常に土着的な埃っぽさが強い作品であり、ヒプノティックなリズムと仄暗いボーカル/チャントがリスナーを深い酩酊へと誘う全7曲。どこか捉え所の無い変則的な作り込みも面白い。CDフォーマットのみのリリース。

Eka Faune offers a surprising mix of Asian cultures, shamanism and post-punk in the form of a record called Healing of the Nation. The band merges dark mantras, hypnotic rhythms, ethnic samples and the acid sounds of Seika Faune. Delphine Poupard's voice and Robin Plastre's sax are added to produce a haunting music, dark and luminous at the same time, alternating dance and trance, taking the listener far inside... Similarly to the other albums by Eka Faune, Seika first recorded his drums and sounds machines as well as his sampler-sequencer in one take. Then he added the instruments and voices. Sax, bass, sarod, tambourine and vocals accompany loops captured on the streets of Delhi, the mountains of Asia or old acid house vinyls.

Eka Faune is a musical project based in Nantes, France, initiated in 2014 by the artist Guyseika. The project evolves under the influence of guitarists, cellists, singers or dancers who join the band for a concert, a recording, a tour - or more. Over the years, Amélie from Breedz Insane, Steph from Modules Étranges, Budwarrior or Vincent Roy, have taken part in the project. Recorded in 2021, the album Healing of the Nation is a deeply thought-out answer to the crisis we are all going through. It offers a way to heal from it: sounds coming straight out of a feverish cave located between the Himalayas and Detroit bewitch us into quite a trip.